
Рейтинг фестиваля:



Место проведения:  Москва

Даты проведения:  11.05.2017 - 14.05.2017

Подача заявок до:  01.02.2017

XV Московский международный 
детско-юношеский фестиваль
посвященный 870-летию Москвы

Международный музыкальный конкурс

Сегодня фестиваль «Звучит Москва» – это крупнейший в России молодежный музыкальный форум, известный далеко за пределами страны. Его программа включает разнообразные конкурсы, гала-концерты, сольные выступления коллективов-участников в лучших концертных залах Москвы, творческие встречи, открытые уроки и мастер-классы, научно-практические конференции по проблемам развития детского и молодежного музыкального творчества.

Четырнадцать предыдущих фестивалей «Звучит Москва», первый из которых объединил юных музыкантов в 1990 году, прошли с огромным успехом. В них принимали участие коллективы из Австрии, Армении, с Багамских островов, из Беларуси, Болгарии, Германии, Гонконга, Грузии, Италии, Китая, Латвии, Литвы, Молдовы, Польши, Сербии, США, Таиланда, Украины, Франции, Эстонии, Японии и других стран, а также из десятков российских городов.

Фестиваль «Звучит Москва» 2017 года посвящен одному из самых значимых событий российской истории – 870-летию основания столицы России, поэтому конкурс, проводимый в его рамках, получил название «Дорогая моя столица».

Москва - город с многовековой историей, богатым культурным наследием, сохранивший свою самобытность, неповторимую красоту и традиции прошлого.

Наш город богат многонациональной культурой, поэтому поистине «Москва – город мира»!

Непосредственный организатор фестиваля и его конкурсов — ГБОУ ДО Центр творческого развития и музыкально-эстетического образования детей и юношества «Радость».

Конкурс проходит в два тура.

I тур

Заочный (интернет-конкурс). Участники, набравшие не менее 6 баллов по 10-бальной шкале, будут допущены к участию во II туре.

II тур



Правительство Москвы

Департамент образования города Москвы

Организационный комитет

Московской городской комплексной целевой

программы воспитания молодежи «Поют дети Москвы»

ГБОУ ДО «Центр творческого развития

и музыкально-эстетического образования

детей и юношества «Радость»

Objectives and goals 

• Preservation and enhancement of the cultural and historical heritage of Moscow and Russia.

• Formation of moral values in children and youth, education of patriotism.

• Promotion of culture, art, creativity of peoples of Russia in the framework of international cooperation.

• Enhance mutual understanding and friendly relations between children and young people from different countries.

• Mass involvement of children in choral singing.

• Broaden their horizons and intellectual level of children and young people.

• Improving children's performing arts.

• Support the functioning children and youth creative collectives, presenting their success at the international level.

• Solving the urgent problems of spiritual and moral education, the formation of moral values of young people.

• Education of children and young people respect and personal interest in the traditions of the artistic culture of the different countries.

• Creation of conditions for creative self-realization of young musicians and their social adaptation in the field of culture.

• Identifying and supporting talented creative youth Russia and other countries, education, patriotic and aesthetic education, the strengthening of a common cultural space, preservation and development of the cultural potential of the Russian Federation.

Nominations in the network of the Festival-contest:

1. Choirs and vocal groups of academic singing style

2. Competition for the best execution of orthodox music

3. National (folk) choirs and vocal groups

4. Orchestras and chamber orchestras (ensembles) – national, wind band, symphony, variety, composite orchestras

5. Vocal (academic direction) 

6. Solo singing (folk direction)

7. Composition creative work

8. Contest of thematic programs dedicated to Moscow

Festival-contest participants

Children and youth choral, folklore and instrumental (orchestras) groups and individual performers take part in the Festival called “Moscow – International City of Peace”.

The Festival-contest is an open event, thus groups of different departmental affiliation take part in it.

The age of participants is from 6 to 28 years.

Age groups at the contest

I: Junior age group – from 6 to 9 years.

II: Middle-aged group – from 9 to 12 years.

III: Senior age group – from 12 to 18 years.

IV: Youth age group – to 28 years.

Note: mixed groups are allowed to perform.

Participation terms

Performance is allowed only under the live accompaniment.


For the 1st contest round (virtual performance)

Choirs and vocal groups of academic singing style

The minimal number of members in the choir is 20 persons. Maximum number is not defined.

The number of participants of vocal choral ensemble is from 12 to 19 persons.

The number of participants of the vocal ensemble is from 2 to 11 persons.

Each group of participants performs a program consisting of 3 compositions, and the total duration of which is not more than 10 minutes.


The program should include:

    • Composition about Moscow;
    • Composition representing the country (region) of the performing group;
    • Optional composition (classical compositions are very welcome).

Not less than one composition is performed without musical accompaniment (a cappella).

Singing in the national language of the participant evaluated a special diploma.


Competition for the best execution of orthodox music

Competitive listening involves the performance of the program no longer than 7 minutes of singing.


National (folk) choirs and vocal groups

Folklore ensembles oriented on ethnographic and pop interpretation of songs, folksong and folk dance ensembles and small group ensembles are invited to perform.

The contest program should include 3-4 songs and should not last for more than 12 minutes of singing.

Content, character and image of performed compositions should correspond to the theme of the Festival (in its broad interpretation). It is possible to include 2lyrical, historical and patriotic songs. Folk acting, poetic folklore, national rituals and holidays fragments, ritual compositions and folk dances (quadrille, saltation, circle dances) can be included into the performance program.

Not less than one composition is performed without musical accompaniment (a cappella).


Orchestras and chamber orchestras and ensembles

The contest program should not include 3-4 compositions different in character; total duration should not be more than 20 minutes.

The program should include:

    • Composition representing the country (region) of the performing group;
    • Folk song of the nation;
    • Optional composition (classical compositions are very welcome);
    • Composition of Moscow composer.

It is allowed to include compositions about Moscow for solo instrumentalist performers or vocal soloists with orchestral accompaniment into the contest program.

Requirements for orchestra lineup:

The number of illustrators in school orchestras should not be more than 20% from the number of group members.

The number of illustrators in secondary school orchestras should not be more than 10% from the number of group members.

It is allowed to use only one microphone for the soloist.

It is possible to use the keyboard or grand piano as a part of the orchestra only if it should be considered as a missing orchestra voice.


Vocal singing (academic direction) 

Each participant performed two compositions different in character:

    • The composition about Moscow;
    • The composition of Russian and foreign classics.


Solo singing (folk direction)

Each participant performed two compositions different in character, one of which is without musical accompaniment (a cappella). Content, character and image of performed compositions should correspond to the theme of the Festival (in its broad interpretation).


Composition artistic work

The contest is organized for the following nominations:

    • Chamber instrumental music;
    • Vocal music.

Two compositions different in character should be performed at the contest (except pop and jazz music).


Groups I and II: two compositions different in character (the total sounding time is not more than 7–9 minutes).

Groups III and IV: two compositions different in character (the total sounding time is not than 10–12 minutes).

One of the works should be devoted to Moscow.

The participation of composers in the performance of the competition program required.

The results of the nominations are tabulated after the 1st round of the Competition.


Competition of thematic programs dedicated to Moscow

The collective-participant performs musical and theatrical sketch, composition (musical and literary, theatrical, etc.) devoted to Moscow, refer to the memorable events in the history of capital (for example: the 50th anniversary of Moscow assigning the title of "Hero City", 75-anniversary of the Battle of Moscow, the 870 anniversary of the foundation of Moscow).

It is allowed to include the composition of choreography elements, stage movement, sound and lighting design, videоclips, etc.

Duration – 15-25 minutes.

Criteria for assessing the competitive program:

  • correspondence of the contest topic;
  • variety and synthesis of genres;
  • figurative decoration of the program;
  • level performance skills.

Summing up this nomination will take place after 1st round.


For the 2nd round (live and virtual participation)

The final round of the Festival-contest will be held in Moscow on May 10-14, 2017. The program of each nomination participants should include two compositions performed at the 1st round and one new composition. One of the compositions should be dedicated to Moscow. (Participants of nomination “Solo” perform one composition performed in the 1st round and a new one.)

Those groups, who are not able to come, should send video clips of the new composition performance which corresponds to the theme of the Festival-contest. It should be sent not later than the 1th of May.

The 1st round – virtual: application for participation, video clipsare submitted till the 27th of February.

Viewing of video clips sent by participants: from the 13th till the 20th of March, 2017.

The results will be published on the website of the Program “Moscow children sing” (choirsofmoscow.ru) not later than on the 27th of March, 2017.


The 2nd round – live and virtual performance:

Live contest (for arrived participants): from the 11th till the 14th of May, 2017

In the framework of live round of the festival will be held:

• Gala concert dedicated to the opening of the Festival: 11th of May, 2017 – Svetlanov (great) Hall of the Moscow International Performing Arts Center, beginning at 18.00

• Competition auditions: 12-13th of May, 2017 – Concert Hall of Gnesin Music Academy

• The final concert: 14th of May, 2017 – Great Hall of Tchaikovsky Moscow State Conservatory, beginning at 14.00

• Final conference: 14th of May, 2017 – White Hall of Tchaikovsky Moscow State Conservatory, beginning at 17.00

Virtual contest (for those who have no opportunity to come)

Video clips are submitted till the 1st of May, 2017. These video files sent for participation in the contest are viewed from the 11th till the 13th of May, 2017.

The results will be announced at the closing award ceremony and published on the website on the 14th of May, 2017. Groups, which are not able to come to Moscow at the indicated period, will get their papers by mail. Full information will be accessible on the website of the Program “Moscow children sing”: choirsofmoscow.ru


Participation is free.

Procedure and terms of document presentation for participation in the Festival

To participate in the festival must be no later than February 27:

7.1. Fill in the online application form (it will be available to fill later) on the website of the city program "Moscow children sing".

7.2. Send to email festival (ms@choirsofmoscow.ru):

  • Creative characteristic of group.
  • Creative characteristic of leaders.
  • A List of group members with age singers.
  • Color Photo group.
  • Color Photo leader.
  • Link on the Internet a video of competitive performance.

7.3. Competitive video must meet the following requirements:

Conductor (or one of the choir members) must be before the performance of the competition says program category and the name of the choir.

Participants should download their performance video clips made for the contest audition on the video service YouTube (youtube.com).

ATTENTION! While downloading video on YouTube it is necessary to indicate:

• In the “File Name” field:

1. Country;

2. City;

3. Name of the group / first name, last name and age of the soloist.

• In the “Description” field:

1. Name of the contest: MICYCF 2017;

2. Nomination;

3. Category;

4. Title, composer, the author of the performed composition text;

5. Last name, first name and patronymic of the leader.


7.3.1. The video should be visible to the choir members and conductor.

7.3.2. The competitive program is performed in the form of competitive performance, allowed the use of microphones.

7.3.3. Video material should be recorded without stopping and disconnections from the beginning of the composition performance till the end of the competition program, i.e. without stopping and editing.

7.3.4. Video that does not meet these requirements will not be evaluated. Participants will be asked to provide a new video that meets the conditions of the competition.

The Jury

The Festival jury is formed from the number of specialists in the sphere of culture and art in Russia and foreign countries. All of them have outstanding achievements in the sphere of musical performances and pedagogy. Also the jury includes famous composers and conductors and representatives of world musical public.


9. Contest performance rating

Contest groups performances are rated on a 1-10 scale.

Participants are admitted in the II round received 6 points and above.

Estimation of participants in the II round:

10 points: grand prize;

From 9 to 9,9 points: the winner of the first class;

From 8 to 8,9 points: the winner of the second class;

From 7 to 7,9 points: the winner of the third class;

From 6 to 6,9 points: diploma winner.


The following parameters (criteria) are included in the professional rating by the jury:

• Correspondence of the program to the theme of the Festival and the depth of its exposure in the compositions performed;

• Artistic and imagery solutions;

• Performance skills;

• Complexity and ingenuity of repertoire.

The jury reserves the right to award the groups with special prizes.

The Jury decisions are not subject to any appeal.

Any contest regulations violation leads to the loss of points during the rating of the group performance.


Вопрос организаторам


Организационный комитет: ГБОУ ДО Центр творческого развития и музыкально-эстетического образования детей и юношества «Радость».
+ 7 (499) 154-5003

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